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Want to publish on Geotribu?#

How to write#

  • it's just Markdown
  • well, let's be more specific: it's Markdown according to Material for Mkdocs.
  • you can have a look to our contribution guide. Yes it's in French. For now... or maybe forever, who knows? In the meanwhile, see that like a great opportunity to try Firefox Translation 😁.
  • the repository comes with a Visual Studio Code configuration (recommended extensions and settings). It might help you if you use this editor.


  1. Get your own working copy. 2 cases:

    1. If you've never did it before, fork this project on GitHub
    2. If you've already forked before, just sync it:

    GitHub - Sync a fork

  2. Create a branch for your article. Something like: article/title-slugged

  3. Make sure to add/update your authoring information in the .authors.yml file.
  4. Add a new file under the posts folder following the name structure (feel inspired by the files already present)
  5. Create a Pull Request with a title and description
  6. Get ready for proofreading


  • do not push images to the Git project
  • ask the team for credentials to upload your images to our pseudo-cdn:
