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Thomas Szczurek-Gayant#

Working with JSON in PostgreSQL

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As part of a personal project, I wanted to store a large part of the INSEE's french census data in a PostgreSQL database with multi-millennial tables. The problem is that, within the same dataset, the fields can change over the years, which makes it impossible to create a fixed table structure. The solution? Use semi-structured data, i.e. store this data in JSON in a table field. This article is a summary of that experience.

Unscheduled obsolescence

This work was carried out before the release of PostgreSQL 17, which adds important features for JSON with JSON_TABLE, so it won't be mentioned here.

Since we're going to be talking about JSON and semi-structured data, I feel obliged to start this article with a warning.

The relational model is good, eat it up, and integrity constraints were invented for good reason.

This article is not intended to be an invitation to go into YOLO mode on data management: “all you have to do is put everything in JSON” (like a vulgar dev who would put everything in MongoDB, as the bad tongues would say).