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Follow the Vendée Globe 2024 from a GIS

What is the Vendée Globe?

logo Vendée Globe

Before we start talking about GIS and technical aspects, let's talk about the Vendée Globe.

It is a solo sailing race, non-stop and without assistance, around the world. It has been held every 4 years since 1989. The start is in Les Sables d'Olonne. The course consists of going down the Atlantic, then passing successively under Africa and the Cape of Good Hope, under Australia and Cape Leeuwin and finally under South America and Cape Horn, to return to Vendée as quickly as possible. The record was set by Armel Le Cléac'h during the 2016-2017 edition with a journey of 74 days 3 hours and 35 minutes.


Creating a Python virtual environment for developing QGIS plugin with VS Code on Windows


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Anyone who has tried it, knows that configuring a Python, PyQGIS, and PyQt environment on Windows for developing QGIS plugins is a real challenge. Often, it feels like a losing battle...

Well, not anymore! After scouring the depths of the internet and exploring tips provided by Julien, here is one method to have (almost) all the auto-completions for PyQGIS, PyQt and more in VS Code.

Introducing QChat: a chat room right into QGIS!

icône globe speech GIS Chat - Credits: Global Market by DARAYANI from Noun Project (CC BY 3.0)

We're excited to announce the release of a new feature integrated into our QTribu plugin for QGIS: QChat! This new addition allows you to collaborate in real time with your team or other GIS fellows directly from QGIS.

We're in 2024 (unless you're reading this in 2025, or 2026, or... well, you get the idea), and let's be honest, Teams or IRC have their cons. Plus, you can't even use the hashtag #GISchat there, you can't meet fellow GIS enthusiasts and you definitely can't win Geotribu stickers 😉... Honestly, it's time for something new.

Introducing a new way to chat directly in QGIS: QChat, a feature that lets you communicate with your peers within the best desktop GIS software around. The question is: why? And the answer: why not?